It was accepted that in the earliest Christian times, water was used for expiatory and purificatory purposes in a way similar to its employment in Jewish Law. “And he shall take holy water in an earthen vessel, and he shall cast a little earth of the pavement of the tabernacle into it.” Numbers 5:17.
In the Roman Catholic Church, the Priests generally bless regular distilled water to make holy water.
At Divine Intercession, we source our water from either directly in the rain or specified stream from the mountain in Waverton Melbourne. We boil it with some earth collected from the pure stream, some salt and some anointing oil from the Holy Land of Israel. Our team of intercessors spends hours blessing the water.
You can use the Holy Water to bless yourself, your house, your family, the sick, your workspace, your car, your vegetable garden, your pets and more.
The first holy water will be free using code FREEHW and after that, there is a charge of $5.00 per item.